Cash & investment


xpx Centralisation frees up cash for treasurers
May 24th 2022

European multinationals hunt for yield as cash balances surge

With the ECB maintaining negative deposit rates until September, treasurers continue using derivatives...
xpx Centralisation frees up cash for treasurers
May 10th 2022

US tech giants sold bonds as yields soared

Led by Amazon, six largest technology companies reduced their bond portfolio by $37.3bn in the first...
shutterstock  scaled e
April 12th 2022

US travel & leisure companies in the front line as interest rates rise

Already burdened by debt expense, US travel & leisure companies are expected to pay an additional...
April 6th 2022

European corporates unwind pandemic cash piles to reward shareholders and repay debt

Top EuroStoxx 50 companies are using their cash holdings built during the pandemic to pay down debt,...
February 22nd 2022

Risk takers booked investment gains in 2021 as bond returns flagged

Treasurers who rode the coattails of central bank responses to the pandemic recorded hefty investment...
  • cash management
  • deposits
  • Hedging
  • Swaps
February 8th 2022

Trade-offs in the search for yield

Yield strategies pursued by treasurers are heavily influenced by how much excess cash they have...
  • investment
February 1st 2022

Corporates accelerate share buybacks into 2022 as cash and debt levels remain elevated

Sitting on elevated levels of cash and debt balances, US corporations are expanding their share...
  • corporate bonds
  • Government bond
  • money market funds
  • Technology companies
November 22nd 2021

US tech giants dump money market funds and government bonds as yields rise

Led by Oracle, tech companies reduced MMF holdings by $17 billion while taking the Treasury bond...
September 21st 2021

European companies reduce cash piles and pivot back to securities

The top 10 EuroStoxx 50 companies reduced their cash holdings by €9 billion while ramping up their...