International Treasury & Cash Management – Intermediate

Dates and Locations

  • Amsterdam, Netherlands | November 18th-20th 2024 | From €2,859+21% Netherlands VAT
  • Overview
  • Agenda
  • Tutor
  • Prices
  • Introduction

    This treasury course is designed to provide finance professionals with up-to-the-minute knowledge of the essential elements of corporate cash and treasury
    management, including: the role of the corporate treasurer and the structure of treasury; cash and liquidity management; interest rate and foreign exchange management.

    You will gain a complete insight into the new and existing challenges facing the industry and develop practical skills and knowledge that can be immediately applied upon your return to the office.

  • Learning objectives

    By the end of the course, you will be able to:

    • Place Treasury and cash operations in the context of your business and its challenges
    • Understand the issues surrounding cash management in an international context
    • Identify the differing capabilities of potential banking partners and how to manage both the selection and ongoing bank review processes
    • Have insight into the techniques used by multi-national corporations to manage their cash across a range of currencies
    • Have a comprehensive view into the technologies available to you to manage your cash position
    • Review your risk profile in the light of the most common exposure to cybercrime
    Learning objectives
  • Who should attend

    Designed for experienced professionals who have a good understanding
    of treasury concepts, but are seeking more sophisticated and in-depth
    knowledge of structures and strategies.

    Who should attend
  • Why train with EuroFinance?

    • Real world treasury training
      Leave with skills and techniques that you can immediately apply when you get back to the office.
    • Unrivalled knowledge of current best practice
      We talk to treasurers on a daily basis and know what matters most to the profession.
    • Expert tutors
      We have secured the services of the leading tutors in the profession with both banking knowledge and corporate expertise to give you the best all-round training available.
    • Truly global
      We run treasury events all around the world and attract a very international audience.
    • Practical teaching method
      Our courses aren’t just theory, we use real-life case studies and group exercises to illustrate each learning point.
    Why EuroFinance
  • Accreditations

    This course is CPD certified.



  • Day 1 Corporate Treasury and Banking down-arrow
    • 08.30am

      Registration and refreshments

    • 09.00am

      Start of course: Introduction and course administration

    • 09.15am

      Overview and introduction to international treasury                

      • The main elements of treasury management
      • Evolution and the changing role of the corporate treasurer
      • Policy and strategy
      • Changing face of treasury process – automation, control and STP
      • The importance of cash and liquidity management
    • 9.45am

      Business models and treasury organisation                 

      • Underlying business models – organisation, integration and culture
      • Finance models – decentralised, shared services and commissionaire
      • Impact of business model on treasury structure ;decentralised, regional and centralised treasury
      • Allocation of treasury responsibilities
      • Treasury models
      • In-house banking
    • 10.30am


    • 11.00am

      Treasury as a business service provider                        

      • The product portfolio of an in-house bank
      • Funding and investment
      • FX centre
      • In-house banking and cash management
      • Netting centre
      • Payment factory
      • Location considerations
    • 11.45am


    • 12.15

      Clearing and settlement systems for domestic money movement     

      • Types of settlement systems and how they work domestically – net settlement; real-time gross settlement; bilateral systems; continuous linked settlement
      • Types of clearing: High value, Low value clearing (ACH), cheque clearing
      • Comparing different environments
      • Associated data transmission
      • Evolution
    • 1.00pm


    • 2.00pm

      International money movement                                      

      • International banking principals and challenges
      • Understanding SWIFT, the types of messages and when they are used
      • Cross-border payments – globally; Eurozone payment and clearing options
      • Corporate options – Using correspondent or partner banks; using network banks for international money movement
      • Straight-through processing and barriers to STP
    • 3.00pm


    • 3.15pm

      Related payments and collection services

      • Check and draft collections
      • Branch deposits and virtual accounts (incl. notes and coin)
      • Documentary collections and letters of credit
      • Cards – T&E; procurement; stored value
      • Evolving web and mobile payments
    • 4.30pm

      Exercise: International money movement

    • 5.30pm

      End of Day 1 and social drinks reception

  • Day 2 Liquidity Management and Treasury Systems down-arrow
    • 08.30am


    • 9.00am

      Settling transactions within a multinational group

      • Types of intercompany settlement – third party, bi-lateral, multilateral and clearing house
        • Trade payments and receivables
        • Financial flows
      • Corporate business structure drivers of netting
      • Structural issues
      • Policy issues and netting methods
      • Practical problems that may be encountered (e.g. regulatory issues)
      • Netting review checklist
        • Cost efficiencies
        • Potential providers
      • Evolution and new approaches to netting
    • 10.00am

      Exercise: Setting up a netting system

    • 10.45am


    • 11.15am

      Cost impacts, bank pricing and use of currency bank accounts

      • Why use currency accounts and where to locate them
      • Managing currency accounts (reporting, funding, defunding)
      • How banks price and impact on corporate cost (float, earnings credit, overt and covert) fees
      • Impact of value dating on international money movement; Europe and the PSD
      • Resident and non-resident issues – importance of establishing correct ownership
      • Understanding value dating
    • 12.00pm

      Liquidity management: Part 1 – concentration and pooling in one currency

      • Cash concentration and similar services
      • Types of pooling – physical; notional etc
      • Tax and regulatory issues
      • Documentation
      • Interest and how it is allocated
      • Cross-border rules and impact in cash concentration
      • Bank capabilities
      • Multi-bank concentration
      • Money market investment
    • 1.00pm


    • 2.00pm

      Liquidity management: Part 2 – concentration and pooling in multiple currencies

      • Traditional approaches to intercompany funding
      • Limitations of a traditional approach
      • Synthesising an exchange rate
      • Interest compensation approach
      • Transparency and understanding the savings
      • Bank capabilities and use of correspondents
    • 3.00pm


    • 3.30pm

      Putting it all together: Creating efficient account structures

      • Determining the most efficient account structures
      • Easy countries and problem countries – examining different scenarios
      • Impact of PSD on European account structures
      • Adding sophistication of models for operational purposes
      • Structures that combine operational efficiency and liquidity management optimisation
      • Ownership issues and effect
    • 4.30pm

      Exercise – Liquidity structure comparison

    • 5.30pm

      End of day two

  • Day 3 Financial Risk and Bank Relationships down-arrow
    • 8.30am


    • 9.00am

      Current trends in treasury and banking

      • Cybercrime, fraud and security
      • Impact on process controls
      • Best practices in cash management
      • The increased importance of corporate treasury
    • 10.00am

      Shared services: Initiatives, centres and payment factories

      • Differing approaches
      • Technology Platforms
      • Impacts on treasury and the appropriate response
      • Account structures
      • Choice of banks
      • Implementation and customer service requirements
    • 10.45am


    • 11.15am

      Global payment technology

      • Mechanization in treasury departments
      • Balance and transaction reporting
      • Payment channels – moving from paper transactions to electronic; impact of e-business and new payment channels
      • Multiple banking formats in business systems
      • Multi banking and the role of SWIFT
      • Transaction detail
      • Corporate needs and bank challenges
    • 12.15pm

      Exercise – Integration of commercial and Treasury transaction platforms

    • 1pm


    • 2.00pm

      Bank relationship management

      • Objectives of BRM
      • Relationship vs. transactional banking
      • Role of credit
      • Measurement and feedback
      • Common points of failure
      • Rewarding the effective
      • Relationship meetings
    • 2.30pm

      Selecting cash management banks to fulfil different roles

      • Approaches to bank selection
      • How the process of bank selection works
      • Selection for domestic, pan regional and global purposes
      • Bank geographic strategies
      • Importance of matching Corporate organisation
      • Local or regional banks?
      • What multinational corporates are looking for
      • Approaches to pricing and service quality
      • Understanding what constitutes ‘best’
    • 3.15pm


    • 3.45pm

      International bank RFPs

      • Process checklist – what should your expectations be?
      • Pricing and costs
      • Using different techniques
      • Identifying and pre-qualifying banks
      • The tender document – what to include
      • How to evaluate the bank responses
      • Due diligence
    • 4.15pm

      Exercise – what to include in bank RFPs

    • 5pm

      Course close and presentation of certificates of attendance


Adrian Rodgers

Senior EuroFinance Tutor & Director ARC Solutions, UK

Adrian has over 30 years’ experience of working as a consultant, and in the banking and corporate sectors.

After qualifying as a Chartered Accountant, Adrian spent a number of years with IBM, in a variety of treasury and sales roles. Adrian was also part of the implementation team which created IBM International Financial Services, the European centralised treasury operation based in Dublin. Adrian then joined the newly created cash management consultancy team of Chase Manhattan Bank, with a brief to help create cash management solutions which matched the needs of customers’ underlying businesses and technology infrastructures. As a Director at PricewaterhouseCoopers, he specialised in managing change in the finance function, including re-engineering of corporate treasury. His current company is an independent consultancy providing advisory, design and implementation services to corporates and banks, on a variety of change-related issues within the finance function. Services include strategy development, process design, bank and vendor selection and project management. Clients include major corporations with a strong international focus.

Adrian Rodgers


€3,949 Book by September 20th and pay only €2,859+ 21% Netherlands VAT