

  • Africa
  • FX shortage
  • MultiChoice
  • technology
April 11th 2023

Strategies for strong dollar and hard currency shortages in Africa

Treasurers at the Spanish explosives manufacturer, Maxam and South Africa-based entertainment company,...
Nigeria LNG
February 14th 2023

How Nigeria LNG Limited transformed its MMF investments by harnessing the power of technology

After facing an array of challenges while managing its investments in money market funds, the treasury...
unnamed 7
  • technology
November 14th 2022

Keeping data at the centre of future proofing businesses

By incorporating analytics into treasury functions, the engineering and plant construction company,...
Johnson controls
  • data
  • data analytics
  • Johnson controls
  • technology
November 2nd 2022

Building a data driven treasury organisation

After using a treasury reporting tool for almost a decade, Treasurers at the building intelligence...
bigstock Var Hedging
  • automation
  • FX
  • Medtronic
  • TMS
August 9th 2022

Medtronic’s journey to an automated FX hedging process

Automating FX hedging has not only helped Medtronic’s treasury team to save time and eliminate...
  • cash management
  • cash pooling
  • FX
  • real time payments
  • Virtual accounts
August 24th 2021

Evolving for the future

Since its IPO, Alibaba has grown from a China-centric e-commerce company to a global MNC. This expansion...
  • forecasting
August 17th 2021

Forecasting through disruption

Despite the disruption to customer behaviour brought by the Covid-19 crisis, Pearson developed a...
xpx Facebook
  • cash management
  • liquidity
  • RPA
May 18th 2021

Managing megastardom

Tech giant Facebook is playing catch-up in treasury systems – launching a new liquidity management...