Agenda 2023 Draft Copy
You are viewing the 2023 agenda. The agenda for the next event, taking place in Copenhagen, will be published early in 2024.
Registration and light breakfast
Conference welcome and opening remarks
Emma West
Managing director
EuroFinance and CPI
XEmma West
Managing director
EuroFinance and CPI
September 27th 2023-
08.50am -09.00amConference welcome and opening remarks
Networking break I Sponsored by Deutsche Bank
Conference breaks into streams
Delegates can choose between 6 streams and The Future Focus Stage. Please see the tabs at the top of this page.
Managing liquidity and working capital in an inflationary environment
Managing working capital in the business without additional borrowing is a core focus now as rates continue to rise. Optimising existing liquidity and liquid assets to generate working capital where required in the business is an area of intense focus for many treasurers. In inflationary environments, where receivables might increase in value but decrease in volume, optimising and accelerating cash cycles for working capital also is an option. In this session, treasurers discuss their strategies to facilitate a greater flow of working capital and identify opportunities to release sources of liquidity to areas of the business at the point of need.
Agents of Change: Recognising the treasurers of tomorrow
Celebrate and help give a voice to a new class of treasurers who are leading transformation within their organisation and the broader industry. Hear fresh ideas and how the next generation of treasurers are pushing the boundaries of our industry.
Nicolas Panayi
Group treasurer,
OSM Thome
XNicolas Panayi
Group treasurer,
OSM Thome
September 27th 2023-
02.40pm -03.20pmAgents of Change: Recognising the treasurers of tomorrow
Networking break I Sponsored by Goldman Sachs
Networking break I Sponsored by Goldman Sachs
Networking break I Sponsored by Goldman Sachs
Networking break I Sponsored by Goldman Sachs
Networking break I Sponsored by Goldman Sachs
Networking break I Sponsored by Goldman Sachs
Navigating digital transformation: The Siemens Gamesa odyssey
Embark on an insightful journey as we unravel the tale of Siemens Gamesa’s digital transformation that won them the 2023 EuroFinance Treasury Excellence Award in the technology implementation category. In the midst of a challenging merger, Siemens Gamesa’s treasury team stood at the helm of two contrasting systems and orchestrated a successful unification under an efficient system landscape. This panel discussion will shed light on the intricate challenges, innovative strategies, and the transformative power of technology that aided in this herculean task. Learn about the establishment of a state-of-the-art In-house bank, and how the treasury team set a new industry benchmark for process automation.
Michael Faschang
Head of treasury management systems,
Siemens Gamesa
XMichael Faschang
Head of treasury management systems,
Siemens Gamesa
September 27th 2023-
04.00pm -04.40pmNavigating digital transformation: The Siemens Gamesa odyssey
Cash forecasting for visibility in uncertain times
‘Without cash forecasting, bankruptcy is possible’, was the stark view of one treasurer when asked why forecasting is important to include on the agenda. Whilst that is an extreme scenario, the comment underscores the value of accurate cash forecasting in the business as an essential tool of visibility into the future flows of working capital for business units across the company. Forecasting comes in many forms, from basic spreadsheets to chunky TMS systems, to sophisticated AI powered software that has predictive capabilities as to when and where cash will be received in the business. In uncertain times, with so many market variables that can alter the forecast, the art of prediction is ever more scientific and vital. Here we hear how treasurers are building and fine tuning systems for forecasts and the benefits visibility brings to the business.
Mark Hirst
Group treasurer,
Dr Martens
XMark Hirst
Group treasurer,
Dr Martens
September 27th 2023-
04.40pm -05.20pmCash forecasting for visibility in uncertain times
Connie Miner
SVP, global head of treasury,
News Corp
XConnie Miner
SVP, global head of treasury,
News Corp
Connie Miner is SVP, Global Head of Treasury at News Corp, where she manages all aspects of the Treasury function across the company. She started at News Corp in April of 2020 as VP, Assistant Treasurer.
Prior to joining News Corporation, Connie was Assistant Treasurer at Capri Holdings Limited (“CHL”) and was with the company for almost six years. During this time, Connie assisted in securing financing to fund the acquisitions of Jimmy Choo and Versace and was responsible for global treasury operations.
Previous to joining CHL, Connie worked on the Corporate Treasury team at The Scotts Miracle-Gro Company and started her career at Greif, Inc., both in the Global headquarters in Ohio and the South American headquarters in Brazil.
Connie is a Certified Treasury Professional, holds a Global MBA from the University of North Florida and a consortium of European universities, and graduated from The College of New Jersey with a B.S. in Finance and minor in International Business.
September 27th 2023-
04.40pm -05.20pmCash forecasting for visibility in uncertain times
Joris Janssen
Global treasury operations manager,
Mars, Incorporated
XJoris Janssen
Global treasury operations manager,
Mars, Incorporated
September 27th 2023-
04.40pm -05.20pmCash forecasting for visibility in uncertain times
Networking reception I Sponsored by Visa
Networking reception I Sponsored by Visa
Networking reception I Sponsored by Visa
Networking reception I Sponsored by Visa
Networking reception I Sponsored by Visa
Networking reception I Sponsored by Visa
Networking reception I Sponsored by Visa
Networking reception I Sponsored by Visa
Registration and light breakfast
Welcome to day 2
Networking break I Sponsored by Societe Generale
Conference breaks into streams
Delegates can choose between 6 streams and The Future Focus Stage. Please see the tabs at the top of this page.
Statement is changing the way treasurer’s optimise liquidity and forecast cash-flow – fast to integrate any bank or ERP, delivering real-time cash-flow reporting and analytics, automating A/R reconciliation and best-in-class cash forecasting in an intuitive UI. In this presentation, learn how Statement has built generative AI into its core features and see a real-time walk-through of what sets Statement apart.
Idan Vlodinger
XIdan Vlodinger
Idan Vlodinger is the Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Statement. Idan brings 20 years of experience in people leadership, product development, entrepreneurship, and operations. Prior to founding Statement, Idan was VP Product & Innovation at Mastercard where he led teams of product managers, designers, and engineers in developing a range of Mastercard’s B2B and B2B2C products and business offerings, including partnerships, investment agreements, extensive customer research, CX and mobile app design, API build and technical documentation.
Prior to Mastercard, Idan was a Senior Technical Product Manager at Amazon, where he led the programmatic growth team for Prime Video via dynamic video marketing (pre-roll, in-app previews, placements on app), video creative asset generation using computer vision and machine learning, video-aided browse & discovery and co-viewing (watch parties on Prime Video and Twitch). Before Amazon, Idan founded the Alegra Boutique Hotel group in Israel, and was a senior consultant at EY.
Idan served 10+ years (rank Major) in the IDF Special Forces, where he commanded multidisciplinary teams to execute extreme-complexity special ops field missions and managed highstakes/high-risk initiatives, resulting in substantial contributions to the security of the state of Israel.
Idan has traveled to over 40 countries, is an amateur mechanic and off-roading enthusiast, loves hiking, mountain climbing, photography and scuba diving. Idan is an active mentor to fellow entrepreneurs via Columbia Inventors-to-Founders (I2F), CyberNYC and company mentorship programs. Idan splits his time between New York and Tel Aviv.
Idan holds a B.A double major in Economics & Accounting from Tel Aviv University and an MBA from Columbia Business School.
September 28th 2023-
02.40pm -03.00pmStatement